You realize that the markets you are currently serving do not deliver the expected results? There has never been a better timing to evaluate corporate development projects to accelerate sales, profit- and market share growth than now!

I know how it feels, when you are aiming for an inorganic growth initiative and don’t know where to start. I am acting as a “bridge builder” for company owners who want to sell their company or companies who want to fill a white spot in their geographic presence via acquiring a local player.

Companies I offer to buy or sell are heighly profitable and have to be sold/acquired in full (100%).

M&A Deal Closings:Closed:
Global Gx player (Spain) acquired MENA Gx player2022
Swiss Pharma company acquired Swiss Pharma start-up company2023
M&A Projects in due diligence:Current Status:
VC company to acquire OTC business from global playerin finalisation
CDMO player in Animal Health to be acquiredin process
GX player – asset light – in Turkey to be acquiredstarting
GX player – asset light – in Egypt to be acquiredstarting
CDMO player in Human Health to be acquiredin process